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- Check with your local amateur radio club to see if NEWSLINE
- can be heard weekly on the air in your area.
- Articles may be reproduced if printed in their entirety and
- credit is given to AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE as being the source.
- For further information about the AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE,
- please write to us with an SASE at P.O. Box 463, Pasadena, CA
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- Some of the hams of NEWSLINE RADIO...
- many others in the United States and around the globe!!!
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- [764]
- STS-45 is over and the first SAREX operation of 1992 has been
- deemed a major success.
- There were many opportunities for individual voice contacts
- but the main highlight were the QSO's between the shuttle and
- various schools worldwide. Each of the schools scheduled was
- able to speak to the ham astronauts on-board Atlantis. Lew Mc
- Fadin, W5DID who helped build the SAREX station also served as
- one of the ham radio controllers for the STS-45 flight.
- One QSO that will probably be remembered most by Astronaut
- Brian Duffy occurred while he was talking with the Ed White
- Elementary School in Houston Texas. There, 8 children were able
- to ask the astro-hams a question. One of those was his own son
- Shawn. It was while flying overhead in Atlantis that Brian Duffy
- found out he had a new ham to share his station with. Using
- SAREX, Shaun told his dad that he had passed his amateur radio
- examination just for him.
- Another excellent contact took place on March 29 when hams
- belonging to the Marshall Spaceflight Center Amateur Radio Club
- made contact with Atlantis. What made this QSO unique was that
- the very first ham to operate from space, Owen Garriott, W5LFL,
- initiated the contact and five students asked questions. This
- QSO was carried live NASA select video. It showed SAREX on the
- flight deck while the students were talking to Charles Bolden.
- If you either worked or monitored N5WQC on Atlantis, and want
- a SAREX QSL send your QSL and contact information to the Sterling
- Park Amateur Radio Club at Post Office Box 599, Sterling,
- Virginia, 22170.
- **********
- High Frequency packet radio is now a part of SAREX operations.
- For the STS-45 mission, the hams at the Johnson Space Center ARC,
- W5RRR, established an HF packet mailbox on 10.135 MHz for wide,
- quick dissemination of STS-45/SAREX information. Hams only had
- to Connect for the latest STS-45 SAREX information. The 10 Mhz
- WARC band was chosen to permit almost 24 hour a day accessibility
- while keeping the operation in a low QRM environment as possible.
- This operation will be evaluated after the flight to assess its
- utility for future SAREX missions.
- **********
- When STS-50 flies on June 9, it will have at least two
- licensed radio amateurs on board. On March 26th, at STS-45 was
- in earth orbit, STS-50 Pilot Dick Richards and Mission Specialist
- Ellen Baker took their license exams from an ARRL certified VE
- team. Both candidates passed and are currently waiting for the
- FCC to assign their licenses and call letters.
- **********
- HR-73
- The April First W5YI report claiming that the amateur radio
- spectrum protection act is doomed appears to be very much in
- error. This, according to two very knowledgeable sources -- both
- of whom are heavily involved in spearheading passage of the
- measure.
- Perry Williams W1EUD and Art Kay W5APX have told the Westlink
- Report ham newsletter that HR-73 and its companion senate
- measure S-1372 are both alive and well. Both men indicate that
- the needed number of co-sponsors should soon be in hand and,
- contrary to the Fred Maia report, hearings in both houses are
- expected to take place. If signed into law, the Amateur Radio
- Spectrum Protection Act would prevent the FCC from taking away
- amateur radio without providing hams with equivalent bandspace.
- **********
- The cable television industry has announced that it will make
- an in-depth study of all RFI including amateur radio. Cable
- Television Laboratories says that it will perform a study of RF
- interference to consumer electronic such as television receivers,
- stereo receivers and VCR's.
- According to a CableLabs spokesman, this will be an
- investigation involving typical television households throughout
- the United States and Canada. All sources of interference to
- these devices will be included in the survey, including such
- radio frequency generators as Citizen Band Radio, Amateur Radio
- and other transmitters available to the general public.
- The source of the external signals which find their way into
- tuners of consumer electronics devices primarily consists of VHF
- and UHF television broadcast transmissions, as well as signals in
- the high VHF amateur and business radio bands will be among the
- signal sources investigated. The results of the study will be
- furnished to consumer electronics manufacturers in the hope that
- this will lead to improved RFI rejection in consumer electronic
- equipment.
- **********
- From the special events desk comes word that hams involved in
- the Walt Disney organization will be taking to the air on April
- 4th and 5th to commemorate the grand opening of the Euro Disney
- Resort near Paris. In addition to the three United States based
- Disney employee amateur radio associations and the station at
- Tokyo Disneyland, members of the Radio Club of Saint Maur in
- Paris will also join in the event. QSL's go to the Disneyland
- Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 3232, Anaheim, California 02803, in
- the United States.
- **********
- * * * Newsline Copyright 1992 all rights are reserved. * * *
- Via AV-Sync (404) 320-6202
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